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L'AATF Minnesota
Les évenements à venir

Don't forget to check out these local sites
Upcoming Events
- Thu, Jan 16Alliance FrançaiseAt the occasion of Black History Month, join the Alliance Française from January 16 - February 22 for an exhibition featuring pen drawings by artist Samuel Fleming and (re)discover important black figures from French history.
- Fri, Feb 07Virtual eventThe AATF sponsored National French Contest - Le Grand Concours (grades 7 - 12) will take place between February 13th and April 7th, 2025. Be sure to enroll your students!
- Wed, Feb 12Virtual eventThe AATF sponsored National French Contest - FLES (Foreign Language in Elementary School) will take place between February 12th and March 7th, 2025. Be sure to enroll your students!
- Fri, Feb 28Alliance FrançaiseJoin the Alliance Française for a Francophone movie night. Tonight's film is Le Cours de la vie.
- Thu, Apr 17University of Minnesota Coffman UnionBe sure to attend A Vous la Parole, the AATF Minnesota-sponsored oral French events for students!
- Sat, Apr 19TBAJoin le Cercle de Lecture, our book club, in reading the novel Premier Sang by Amélie Nothomb.
- Mon, Jul 07Palmer House Hilton HotelJoin teachers from throughout the national at our annual AATF convention from July 7-10 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago!
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