Patricia Teefy
Vice President
Patricia has been one of the Vice Presidents for the American Association of Teachers of French - Minnesota Chapter since 2020.

Patricia's story
My passion for the French language and Francophone cultures dates all the way back to learning a smattering of French in a middle school class. I was enthralled with the idea that people spoke such a beautiful language and the world opened up.
Inspired by my high school French teacher, I continued pursuing my love of all things French as I earned my B.A. and Masters in French Language and Literature and began my teaching career. I have been teaching French language and literature for over thirty years from middle school to college students and adults.
My wonderful career has afforded me rewarding opportunities to live in, work and connect with Francophones from all over the world.
I strive to grow as both an educator and a humanist and am deeply committed to supporting others in the field of teaching of language and world cultures.