What a great pleasure to honor members of our professional organization!
French teachers from around Minnesota put aside their academic work and came together to celebrate the accomplishments of some of their members. This annual event is meant to highlight the achievements of certain individuals and thank them for their continued support and passion for our teaching profession.
This year, an apéro dînatoire was served with Macalester College as the backdrop of the event. The hors d’œuvres, chosen by AATF Minnesota’s spring event task force, was catered by Bon Appetit, the college’s catering service. Honey rosemary chicken skewers with maple chili sauce, roasted baby vegetable, fresh sliced fruits, pastry-baked brie with baguettes, and a cheese platter with crackers and sliced breads were served. Various beverages were available as well as and a beautiful vanilla-raspberry cake for dessert.
The Evening’s Program: A message by Madame la Présidente
Maureen Elwell Peltier, president of the AATF Minnesota, began the program with a message of support and solidarity that the organization provides its members. She encouraged each to contact a non-member teacher and urge them to become members. Maureen stated that “we are in a time when programs are being eliminated, sections are decreasing, and fewer people are becoming French teachers. The message was and is that we must work together before our programs are in jeopardy. Our mission is to be responsive to the needs of our members and support them as we can. “We are here for you,” she stated.
Retraité Rick Treece
There were two honored retirees. First was Rick Treece from the University of Minnesota.

Patricia Mougel, AATF Minnesota’s 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year, highlighted the impact that Rick has had on the profession, especially his gift of supporting his colleagues: “Rick helped numerous French novices and experienced teachers with technology training, be it in or outside the classroom. He also contributed to the creation of a large Francophone digital media collection; he was always on the lookout for media and instructional materials that could benefit a range of instructors.” Patricia noted that he will be missed, and that she and others at the university wish him “happy travel adventures, singing performances, charity work and family time for the years to come.”
Retraité David Currie

The second retiree was David Currie of Highland Park Senior High in Saint Paul. Mary Steffy, his colleague, could not make the event but she sent a statement to be read. In it she highlighted the impressive educational and instructional journey that David has had in his over 30 years in teaching. She stated that “David worked tirelessly with site councils, leadership, before and after school programs, and along the way obtained a master’s degree in gifted education as well as a specialist/leadership degree. He was the recipient of two Fund for Teachers grants, one in Paris, and the other in the French Antilles Islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. To say he is an expert in his field is an understatement.” Maureen added that Saint Paul Schools was so fortunate to have him. He will be greatly missed.
AATF Minnesota Teacher of the Year, Joëlle Vitiello
And finally, the “étoile du nord” of the evening, Jöelle Vitiello, AATF Minnesota’s 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year. Her former colleague, Françoise Denis who is now retired, spoke of Jöelle’s many contributions to the profession. Quoting from student submitted letters of support for the award, Françoise read portion of some, highlighting the impact Jöelle has had on her students. One student wrote that
“Joëlle expanded my worldview. She decentered my understanding of French and

Francophone cultures, and she asked me to interrogate my values.”
Another wrote that
“Professor Vitiello is a constant presence on campus, involved in the International Roundtable organization, bringing guest speakers from around the world, and so much more.”
And finally,
“Joëlle went above and beyond to connect with me and the other students in class. Her demeanor was always kind and promoted a safe, meaningful, yet academically challenging learning environment…. She was always able to provide recommendations for resources to further our development outside of class. She showed up consistently for me and other students through class, office hours, cultural events, and prompt responses to our questions.”
After Françoise’s moving tribute to this exceptional educator, Joëlle, teary-eyed and humbled, thanked AATF Minnesota for the honor and the support of her colleagues who were there en masse.
It was a great evening as French professionals rekindled relationships with others they rarely see.
Pictures by Carolyn Fisk, Jane Law, and Maureen Elwell Peltier
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